Hmm....smileys, or emoticons helps 2 express some facial & body emotions
when chatting over the net. Have fun!

:-]bigger smile
:-[bigger frown
:-{really sad
;-) wink
:-D laughter
[] hugz
:-! smiley wif pimple
:-$ smiley wif braces
+-:-) priest
:-x "my lips r sealed"
:-I "...hmm...?"
:-{) moustache
:-& tongued tied
:-)> smiley wif a goatee
:-)== smiley wif a beard
:-)x smiley wif a bow tie
};-> devilish wink
<:-) "dumb question..."
=:-o "EEEEEEKKKK!!!"
:-o "Oh no!"
:~( cryin'
:-~) caught a cold
:pPpPpP givin' somebirdie a raspberry
:-@ screamin'
:-P tongue stickin' out
||*( handshake offered
||*) handshake accepted
@>->-> a rose
:-# censored
;-) "say no more"*nudge,nudge*
'-) wink

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